It has been exciting to be a part of the MGM Institute of Health Sciences (MGMIHS). The University brings together an extraordinary community of faculty, students and staffs that provide state-of-the-art education conduct relevant research and take the lead in health care services primarily to rural community. We are happy to say that the University has focused its attention on research and development.
It is heartening to note that all the members of the University have committed to work to create a vibrant future for MGMIHS and its students. The University is fully committed to supporting students' professional, intellectual and emotional growth so they may have the opportunity to fulfill their potential and achieve their professional goals.
With the help of dedicated, talented faculty and staff, we are confident that MGMIHS will soon succeed and will continue to be one of the model Universities in the nation and the world. This Annual Report summarizes the achievements and also reminds us of what still needs to be accomplished. I appreciate the efforts put in by students, faculty, and staff in achieving their goals and taking MGMIHS to greater heights.

Shri Kamalkishore Kadam
Hon'ble Chancellor
MGM Institute of Health Sciences, Navi Mumbai
I am pleased to see all the Colleges and University Departments of MGMIHS performing exceedingly well. The University has been awarded Grade 'A' by the National Assessment and Accreditation Council, University Grants Commission. The teaching hospitals have been accredited by National Accreditation Board for Hospitals and Health Care Providers, and diagnostic laboratories by Accreditation Board for Testing and Calibration Laboratories. These accreditations are reflection of the highest standards of academic programs, technical competence of medical laboratories following ISO/IEC 17025:2005, ISO 15189:2007 Standards, and hospital standards in consonance with the global benchmarks set by International Society for Quality in Healthcare. These standards are testimony of highest standards of patient safety and quality of care provided by teaching hospitals of MGMIHS.
I congratulate the faculty, staff and students for accomplishing these goals and setting very high standards for themselves and the institutions as well. This is a reflection of the 'Team Effort' and 'Quality Culture' at all levels and across all the functions, of which I am proud of. The Vision of MGMIHS is "to be the top ranking centre of excellence in medical education and research" by 2020. To see the vision turning into reality, all the ongoing programs of teaching, research and clinical care in various colleges and institutes of MGMIHS will be reviewed in the context of changing national and global needs and to meet the requirements of the regulatory bodies. The review process will identify what needs to be achieved and how? What are our aspirations for tomorrow and how that will become a reality? We will define the goals and targets, and road map so that the Vision becomes a reality by 2020.
In this endeavor, the University will support and enhance a faculty whose members are dedicated to teaching, research, clinical care and community services; expand and enhance our nationally - recognized professional Colleges and. University' Departments of medical, nursing, physiotherapy, biotechnology and allied health. sciences as the core offering undergraduate and postgraduate programs including super-specialty educational programs; create Centers of Excellence for teaching and research; merit based student enrolment and aptitude to serve the society as medical health care provider; to foster the engagement of University in community services and through social responsibility by extending the reach of our educational programs. It will also encourage enhance linkages and networking with institutes of repute both in India and abroad which share our Vision. Research will continue to remain at the forefront of our programs, including curiosity-driven innovations.
I wish to support, the faculty and staff of all colleges of MGMIHS and I will also work personally with all heads of institutions in realization of their dreams.

Dr. Shashak D Dalvi
Hon'ble Vice-Chancellor
MGM Institute of Health Sciences, Navi Mumbai
Education is one of the most critical elements of national development effort. It is a powerful tool to build knowledge based society. The main focus of University Grants Commission (UGC) is to improve and expand education in all sectors of the society by eliminating disparities in access and laying greater emphasis on the improvement in quality and relevance of education at all levels.
In commensurate with the policies of UGC, at MGMIHS teaching is not only viewed impart knowledge, but also to ensure that the graduating students have critical thinking, and are inspired and motivated to solve need-based problems, and able to deal with global challenges. It is always in our minds that it is the teacher who through intelligence, patience and wisdom has to polish the student's intellect and aptitude and shape their bright future. We know that even the knowledge of the teachers need to be regularly updated through capacity building programs. At MGMIHS, we are aware of the view that students have varying learning capacities and this must be considered while grooming them into their profession of choice. The different teaching strategies followed at the University such as lecture-based teaching, and teaching which is primarily learner-focused like, problem-based learning, competency-based learning and outcome-based learning help students to understand the study curriculum and to be a competent professional. Some of the limitations of large class room teachings are overcome through supplementary discussion sessions, seminars and lab-based demonstrations where the number of students per batch is much less. Every effort is made to enhance bonding between teachers and their students.
The academic programs related to teaching, research and clinical skills, are reviewed periodically by competent bodies such as, Board of Studies, Faculty of Medicine, Academic Council before their recommendations are reviewed and approved by the Board of Management. The review process identifies what and how needs to be achieved? What are our aspirations for tomorrow and how that will become reality? Define the goals and targets, and road map so that MGMIHS vision, to be a top ranking Centre of excellence in medical and allied health sciences education and research, becomes a reality by the year 2020.

Dr. Rajesh B. Goel
MGM Institute of Health Sciences, Navi Mumbai
The MGM Medical College & Hospital was established in 1990 with a vision to be a top-ranking Centre of Excellence in Medical Education and Research. Students graduating from the Institute will have all the required skills to deliver quality health care to all sections of the society with compassion and benevolence, without prejudice or discrimination, at affordable cost.
During recent years the college has established itself as one of the top ranking medical college in the nation. This medical college is among very few Institutes in the state of Maharashtra which offers post graduates courses in all the medical subjects, Super Specialty courses in five branches in addition to its MBBS course with a capacity of 150.
During the previous year the college has achieved new heights and miles stone towards becoming a center of excellence. In the field of patient care and clinical services apart from its state of art hospital infrastructure the hospital has added new OBGY intensive care unit in its group of existing specialized ICU’s. The super specialty service was strengthen specially in the field of Urology and Nephrology by upgrading its kidney transplant unit and dialysis unit along with new ward and department. It is important to mention that the medical college hospital continuous to be in the top “A+” category of Rajiv Gandhi Jeevandayi Arogya Yojna since last three years. The blood bank is NABH accredited and the central path lab is accredited by NABL.
As a part of vision of reaching towards academic excellence the Institute has adopted various latest teaching and learning methodology one of which is early clinical exposure and integrated teaching. The medical college central library has been shifted into its new state of art complex where latest facilities with upgraded books and journals including online facilities are provided. The Institution has organized various National and International level conferences throughout the year. The ICCME (International Conference on Challenges In Medical Education) organized in the year 2015 was a grand success in which various National and International experts of medical education took part.
The medical college has decided to accelerate and emphasize on basic medical research as a part of which the faculties are encouraged to participate in research. One of the faculties’ research findings has been incorporated by WHO in its publications. Few faculties have got best research awards. The college has recently signed a MOU with Kyungpook National University South Korea as a part of its academic and research development program. This international collaboration will definitely help the students and faculty to exchange their knowledge and skill.
As a part of quality enhancement the IQAC (Internal Quality Assurance Cell) of the college has introduced specific quality improvement program which includes “Individual Faculty Appraisal System”, apart from its existing different cells like Attendance Cell, Student Welfare Cell etc.
In the forthcoming years the college plans to focus on fundamental research in medical sciences and to do clinical research. The college plans to starts super specialty courses in Neonatology, Neurology, Neurosurgery and Post Graduate courses in Emergency Medicine and Critical Care. The hospital plans to upgrade its services in the field of Endocrinology, Immunohistochemistry, and Oncology. The college is going for NABH accreditation in the coming year.

Dr. R.B. Bohra
MGM Medical College & Hospital
Deputy Dean
At MGM Medical College & Hospital, Aurangabad, we are striving hard to nurture our next generation who will be knowledgeable, skilful, responsible, socially sensitive and globally acceptable. To achieve these goals, we have an excellent team of dedicated teachers and support services. This team enabled us to grab the 37th position amongst 470 Medical Colleges in India.
We are committed to providing state of the art healthcare facilities to our patients with ultramodern infrastructure and a plethora of diagnostic and treatment modalities, which not only benefits patients, but students also have an excellent learning experience. Hospital is also NABH accredited and is positioned 11th amongst 470 Medical Colleges in India by NABH.
We have pioneered advanced treatment options like Liver Transplant and Bone Marrow Transplant in the region of Marathwada.
We also have a state of the art indoor and outdoor sports facility, a meditation hall and a cultural wing for the exemplary personal development of the students. We at MGM are committed to set up a world-class institute with all the ultramodern facilities in a very affable environment. From where I see, we are already reaching there..!!!!

Dr. Pravin Suryawanshi
Deputy Dean,
MGM Medical College & Hospital,
Medical Director
The MGM Medical College & Hospital was established in 1990 with a vision to be a top-ranking Centre of Excellence in Medical Education and Research. Students graduating from the Institute will have all the required skills to deliver quality health care to all sections of the society with compassion and benevolence, without prejudice or discrimination, at affordable cost.
The Institute has celebrated its silver jubilee year during 2014-15. During recent years the college has established itself as one of the top ranking medical college in the nation. This medical college is the only Institute which offers post graduates courses in all the medical subjects, super specialty courses in five branches in addition to its MBBS course with a capacity of 150.
During the previous years the college has achieved new heights and mile stone towards becoming a center of excellence.
In the field of patient care and clinical services apart from its state of art hospital infrastructure the hospital has added new OBGY intensive care unit in its group of existing specialized ICU’s. The super specialty service was strengthen specially in the field of urology and nephrology by upgrading its kidney transplant unit and dialysis unit along with new ward and department. It is important to mention that the medical college hospital continuous to be in the top “A+” category of Mahatma Jyotiba Phule Jan Arogya Yojana since last seven years. We have successfully started Liver Transplant Surgery.
As a part of vision of reaching towards academic excellence the Institute has adopted various latest teaching and learning methodology one of which is early clinical exposure and integrated teaching.
The medical college has decided to accelerate and emphasize on basic medical research as a part of which the faculties are encouraged to participate in research. One of the faculties’ research findings has been incorporated by WHO in its publications. Few faculties have got best research awards. The college has recently signed a MOU with Kung-Puk National University South Koria as a part of its academic and research development program. This international collaboration will definitely help the students and faculty to exchange their knowledge and skill.
As a part of quality enhancement the IQAC (Internal Quality Assurance Cell) of the college has implemented many specific quality improvement program which includes individual faculty appraisal system which is based on perform and get promoted philosophy.
Dr. A.G. Shroff

Dr. A.G. Shroff
Medical Director,
MGM Medical College & Hospital